
#makeinindia 2012 2014 a massive threat taken lightly Adam Osborne Airbus Aircraft Alexander Graham Bell animated animation April 26 Arbitrary art from waste assignment AUDIT Bāhubali Brewster Color Bruno saint-Jalmes business Cartoons Character chennai cinema Cinematograph Cockpit color cinematography composers consultants consumer conventions Copyright copyright registration copyright societies Copyrights counterfeits descriptive design designers economy Edison Elridge Johnson Emile Berliner entertainment exploitation of ipr fashion Fictional Character film Forms of Intellectual Property Rights. Franchise future inventions generic marks genericity Gramophone green belt guindy hague Helmet Intellectual property Intellectual Property Exploitation intellectual property rights International IP filings ip asset IP AUDIT IP day theme IP economy IP filings ipindia IPR iprights Jason Zaneboni Kisan Kanya laptop lean LEAN SIX SIGMA TRAINING BY MSME licensor logo logo design logo registration lyrics madrid makeinindia manufacturing hub mayabazaar Merchandise mortgage Movie - movie patents movies Movies- A Global Passion msme-di music music industry musicians Newsletter osborne computers Oyster Chronometer patent patent talk pct pentallectual Percy Douglas Brewster Phonograph piracy plane pledge protection Protective Helmet realproperty Record Player revenue Rolex Awards science secondary meaning six sigma SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS songs sound recordings Suggestive Trade Dress tradedress Trademark trademark consultants TRADEMARK LICENSE Trademarks tv Two Pesos v. Taco Cabana upcycling US 2923941 value video waste management Waterproof watch website registration windowless windowless jet cockpit Wipo World IP Day 2014 Young Laurates ZTE

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Forms of Intellectual Property Rights.

 Forms of Intellectual Property Rights.
1.    Trademark for  Names, signs and  symbols
2.   Patents for inventions
3.   Industrial Designs for Aesthetic appearance of   goods manufactured by industrial process. 
4.   Copyrights and Allied rights for literary, artistic, dramatic, musical, sound recording, cinematograph film and Computer programmes.
5.   Geographical Indications for goods manufactured/produced in a geographic location with special characteristics attached to it.
6.   Apart from the above; creation of new plant varieties  by farmers, conservation of Bio Diversity, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Trade Secrets and Confidential Information and protection of the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Designs also fall under the purview of Intellectual Property Rights

Two Pesos v. Taco Cabana
The U.S. Supreme Court confirmed that trade dress applies to restaurant decor and that it can be protectable even without secondary meaning, as long as it is shown to be inherently distinctive. 

A franchise is a business method where an individual (the franchisee) acquires a license that allows them to acquire the proprietary knowledge of a business they want to operate (the franchisor). The franchisee is then allowed to open a branch of the business in the name of the business and sell the product or service that the business sells. 

A Trademark license is a legal instrument given by the trademark owner/licensor permitting the use of his trademark by a licensee in return for a consideration paid as royalty.

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