
#makeinindia 2012 2014 a massive threat taken lightly Adam Osborne Airbus Aircraft Alexander Graham Bell animated animation April 26 Arbitrary art from waste assignment AUDIT Bāhubali Brewster Color Bruno saint-Jalmes business Cartoons Character chennai cinema Cinematograph Cockpit color cinematography composers consultants consumer conventions Copyright copyright registration copyright societies Copyrights counterfeits descriptive design designers economy Edison Elridge Johnson Emile Berliner entertainment exploitation of ipr fashion Fictional Character film Forms of Intellectual Property Rights. Franchise future inventions generic marks genericity Gramophone green belt guindy hague Helmet Intellectual property Intellectual Property Exploitation intellectual property rights International IP filings ip asset IP AUDIT IP day theme IP economy IP filings ipindia IPR iprights Jason Zaneboni Kisan Kanya laptop lean LEAN SIX SIGMA TRAINING BY MSME licensor logo logo design logo registration lyrics madrid makeinindia manufacturing hub mayabazaar Merchandise mortgage Movie - movie patents movies Movies- A Global Passion msme-di music music industry musicians Newsletter osborne computers Oyster Chronometer patent patent talk pct pentallectual Percy Douglas Brewster Phonograph piracy plane pledge protection Protective Helmet realproperty Record Player revenue Rolex Awards science secondary meaning six sigma SOFTWARE PROFESSIONALS songs sound recordings Suggestive Trade Dress tradedress Trademark trademark consultants TRADEMARK LICENSE Trademarks tv Two Pesos v. Taco Cabana upcycling US 2923941 value video waste management Waterproof watch website registration windowless windowless jet cockpit Wipo World IP Day 2014 Young Laurates ZTE

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Statistics about International IP filings

Every year WIPO-World Intellectual Property Organisation discloses the statistics about IP filings worldwide. The applications are filed under International Conventions in the year 2012.

Let’s see the details of International Conventions/Treaty.

1. PCT- Patent Cooperation Treaty- for filing Patents transnational

2. Madrid Convention/Protocol-for protecting Trademarks in worldwide markets

3. Hague Convention- International Designs Application

1. Patent Cooperation Treaty

Info graphics system of WIPO published about the details of countries who filed most number of PCT applications under the International Conventions. Totally 194,400 PCT applications are filed in the year 2012. There is an increase of 6.6% of PCT filing. Chinese telecommunication company ZTE was the largest filer in 2012.

Top Countries- PCT Applications

USA 51,207
Japan 43,660
Germany 18,855
China 18,627
of Korea        11,848
Top 5 Technologies

Electrical Machinery 13,293
Digital Communication 12,616
Computer Technology 12,391
Medical Technology 11,348



Source: WIPO- Infographics-2013

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Record Player-Gramophone

Record Player-Gramophone

Patent document - Phonograph- Thomas Alva Edison

Early attempts were made all over Europe and USA by several scientists to invent a better machine to record and play the sounds & music.


In the year 1877 Thomas Alva Edison successfully invented his tin-foil machine to record and reproduce sounds.Thomas Edison’s product was marketed under the trade mark “Phonograph”.  The sound was recorded in a round cylinder and then reproduced using the Phonograph.


Alexander Graham Bell invented another machine to record and reproduce sounds. He named it as “Graphophone” and used wax cylinders which helped him to play the same for so many times. But mass reproduction of the music or sound is impossible because of each cylinder had to be recorded separately.


Emile Berliner, a German immigrant working in USA patented a successful machine for sound recording and played the same. Emile Berlin recorded on flat disks or records and stopped to record on Cylinders.The sound/music was etched into the flat disks/records in the form of spiral groove. 

The record was rotated on the gramophone. The turntable revolved at an even speed with the help of a spring motor. The Spring Motor was patented by Elridge Johnson for the Berliner gramophone. A needle in the tip of the arm was used to read the grooves in the record by vibration. The Gramophone speaker played back the sound/music information recorded in the disk/record.

Hence the name record player got its name from Berliner's disks (records). These records were the first sound recordings which were produced at mass for commercial exploitation. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Copyrights and its uses




a. Rights of reproduction,

b. Communication to the public,

c. Adaptation and translation of the work


a. Generally for the period of 60 years

b. In case of original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works the 60-year period is counted from the year following the death of the author.


1. Valid in more than 100 Countries under Berne Convention.

2. No need to renew the copyright certificate.

3. One time investment for creating rights upto two generation.

4. Exclusive right to use, adapt, sale, translate and copy your own works.

5. If someone else uses your work without your permission, owner can take legal action.



A copyright owner can take legal action against any person who does the following acts with respect to the copyrighted work.

a. Copies for sale or hire or selling or letting them for hire;

b. Distributing infringing copies;

c. Public exhibition of infringing copies by way of trade; and

d. Importation of infringing copies into India.


The copyright owner is entitled to the following remedies by way of

1. Injunctions,

2. Damages [in terms of money]

3. Seizure of the infringing materials and

4. Rendering the accounts.